• info@swovuge.com
  • +234 706 615 4679

About Us

To empower women, pro poor and vulnerable groups by building their capacity in income generating activities, sustainable agriculture, leadership, natural resources management and good healthy practices..
…..Ensuring a Gender based friendly and all inclusive Society………
To build women and youth capacity in economic activities that can increase their income and livelihoods.
about us

The Society for Women and Vulnerable Groups Empowerment (SWOVUGE) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) which came into existence in 2012 focusing on women, youth and the vulnerable population (pro poor) and rural communities. The organisation facilitates networking among women groups.

The organisation builds women and youth capacity in leadership governance, sustainable agriculture, natural resources management, micro economic enterprises and good health practices. It is registered with Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Welfare.

To build women and youth capacity in leadership and participation in developmental activities.
To build the capacity of the rural dwellers/communities in agro income generating enterprises such as fish farming, poultry, snaillery, etc.
To promote participation of women and rural communities in agriculture and resources management.
To promote good health practices among women, youth and rural communities e.g. water sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, etc.